2017 Intern - Shawn Bailey (Olds College, Olds, Alberta)
My story starts in Rigaud, Quebec. A small farm town about an hour away from Montreal. My father was the superintendent of a private golf club. That is where I learned to golf through the junior program, all the while running through sprinklers in the fairways during the heat of the summers. The funny thing is, 20 years later… I’m still running through sprinklers during the heat of the summer I guess somethings never change.
My first official job, was working at the private club Whitlock Golf and Country Club in Hudson Quebec at the age of 14. I worked there for many years and accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge. More recently, I was employed in Kamloops at Tobiano Golf Course prior to joining the team at Capilano for my internship.
Through research and great deliberation, I chose to enroll at Olds College in Alberta. The turf program is very unique. Their delivery methods as well as their school calendar where the deciding factors for my enrollment. I’m will be starting my second year of the Bachelor of Turfgrass Management January 2, 2018.
My internship at Capilano Golf and Country Club was a great success. My first couple of weeks were definitely full on, although I was able to find my place within the team and become a strong contributing member. The superintendent and his assistants expected a lot from their interns, but they always had an understanding demeanor and ready to help me through any issues. My internship at Capilano Golf and Country Club will be an experience that I will cherish, reflect on, and use as inspiration for many years to come.
After the completion of my schooling, I will be continuing to look for new opportunities to grow and learn, while implementing my acquired knowledge and skills. I’m interested in international placement, although there is still a lot to see and learn within our own boarders.
I wouldn’t recommend the job to just anybody. It is a fast paced, detail oriented environment that demands the best of you. It was a different, and at times difficult compared to anything I had been exposed to before. With that in mind, If I could, would do it again many times over. The management team made it very clear that they were there to help and guide me through my internship. Therefore, Capilano Golf and Country Club had my undivided attention. This decision will be paying out dividends for many years to come. I now have a strong understanding of what is required to put together and maintain a premier golf course, while having made solid connections with the industry leaders and professionals.
Shawn is currently a Foreman at Tobiano Golf Course.